Election season is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s full of surprises, some good, some not as flattering, but overall, it’s about people who have the desire and the calling to serve the community.
I commend those who have the gall to throw their name into the circus that election cycles inevitably become. I truly believe that elected officials, no matter their political affiliation, the size of their campaign bank accounts or their thoughts on social and economic issues, are all in the game for similar reasons. There is nothing more satisfying, I’m sure, than knowing you made the right decisions for those you serve.
On Monday night, I had the privilege to serve as moderator for a candidate forum featuring those who have expressed interest in giving back to their community through public service. Jackson County, as we’ve seen on television and read in the papers, has some issues to deal with in the coming months. It is up to us, as voters in this great county of ours, to determine who should lead the charge of becoming fiscally responsible, mending issues with the county jail, and determining how our future should play out.
Without getting too much into politics here, I will say that I personally am impressed with the slate of candidates for each race that affects us in Grandview and South Kansas City. While I may not agree with all of them on every issue, I feel as though they all would be a good fit. They all seem to genuinely care about Jackson County now and into the future.
Later this week, as the paper is published, I’ll provide for you on our website (www.jcadvocate.com) a quick synopsis of each candidate who presented either at the Grandview or South Kansas City forums. County Executive, Sheriff, Legislator and State Representative races were all represented, and I’ll provide information, in their own words, to help you make an informed decision on Tuesday, August 7.
Whomever we choose to lead the charge and in whatever capacity those leaders serve, if their heart is in Jackson County and it’s people, I know that we’ll be well taken care of.
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