Thursday, July 18, 2019

Can you say heat wave? Just the other day, I was talking with someone about how my summer tan is usually a lot further along by now. This year, on the days that I have some time, it seems that we’ve had rain and clouds and cooler temps.

This week, though, everything changes. If you need me, and I’m not at the office, chances are I’ll be poolside, with my kindle in one hand and a cold drink in the other. I knew it was coming. On Sunday, I was already receiving weather alerts on my phone, warning me of the upcoming heat indexes and high temperatures.

Of course, this is normal for July. Though, I think a lot of us tend to forget with the seasons. In the winter, we want summer. In the summer, we’re looking forward to winter. Typical temperatures for our neck of the woods this time of year hover around 90.

In fact, the highest temp on record, according to the National Weather Service, for July 16 was set back in 1954. It was 111 degrees. Notwithstanding the heat index calculation, I can’t even imagine what that felt like outside. Actually, I can. Because, to me, hot is hot. Once it gets to be 90 out, it can be 95, 100, or 105, it all feels the same to me.

So, with the heat wave this week, I plan to work on my tan, finish a book, and maybe even write a story or two. Summertime is spent best when we can relax and enjoy the sunshine, and I plan to do just that.

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