Thursday, December 5, 2019

I’ve spent the better part of the last week or so watching videos on YouTube and looking up articles. No, I’m not researching for a big story. My son started wrestling, and it’s probably the one sport that I know pretty much nothing about.

Give me a sport with a ball, and I can figure it out pretty quickly. I’m by no means an expert on any of them, though. There’s a reason we pay someone else to write the sports stories in the paper. But, I can usually get by and cheer our teams on with the best of them. But wrestling? That’s a whole different ballgame (and, once again, there’s no ball. Go figure.).

Michael has tried to explain things to me, and has even tried to practice some moves on me (for just over 100 pounds, that kid is strong). But, during his first meet on Monday night this week, I was finally able to “get” it. At least enough to know that Michael won a few of his matches.

It may not be baseball. Or tennis. Or even bowling. He picked wrestling for his first school-related sport. As his mom, I’ll be in the bleachers cheering him on, biting my nails, and trying to follow along as much as I can. Then, I’ll look forward to bats, gloves and sunshine again in the spring.

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