Thursday, March 19, 2020

These sure are interesting times we are living in. As I type this column, I’m sitting at my desk in my office on Main Street in Grandview. I likely won’t have any visitors today, or really for the remainder of the week. Who knows where I’ll be sitting next week at this time.

Regardless of what’s happening in the world around us, though, I’ll plan to still deliver the news to you, one way or another.

For right now, our plan is to stick to business as usual around here. However, our coverage might look a little different for the next several weeks. Meetings and events are being canceled left and right, schools are closed, no sports are taking place. There’s just not a whole lot happening in terms of different things to write about. So, while our coverage will (and already has) decreased, so too may our issues. There’s only so much filler I can put in each week.

Our office hours may vary over the next several weeks, as well. The best way to get in touch with me is through email, because whether I’m in the office or working from my kitchen table, I’ll still have access to that. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions, concerns, story ideas, or just to say hello when you’re tired of watching Netflix. I promise I’ll respond! The address is at the bottom of this column in italics. If you’re on Facebook, follow us there, as we’ll use that medium for updates.

So, we’re still working. And we’re focusing on figuring out a plan for the near future, if and when we need to implement changes. For now, the printing press is still operating, the Post Office is still making deliveries, and government is still making decisions. While that’s all happening, you won’t notice much of a difference. Hopefully, we can keep it that way.

Stay safe. Stay home if you can. Take care of your neighbors. Don’t hoard the toilet paper. Spend money locally when possible. And, tell the people you care about that you love them. Interesting times, but together we can try and make the best of it.

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